Friday 30 November 2007

2 blog or not 2 blog?

I have come to the point where I am considering beginning a second blog site. I feel that what I am posting appears to be becoming some form of minestrone soup, in that it has no clear focus.

I guess I could start another blog. It would be far more spiritually biased. I could then split my blogs into their separate genres, in that one could be based around self development and the other could be more spiritual. The problem with that is that I would not really be being true to myself...

I have come to the point in my learning where the self-help/self development stuff has merged with the spiritual and the spiritual stuff has won out. What I mean by this is that the laws that govern self help and N.L.P. and so forth are a little like bastardisations of spiritual laws and are watered down versions for the masses.

Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying there is anything wrong with self-development teaching. There is not. It is just that it is primarily geared towards a lower level of learning. On the whole it is aimed at the mass market and, in truth, much of the deeper level teaching would more often than not be just dismissed as too strange by a beginning student. It is not that the deeper teachings are beyond the comprehension of beginners, no, not that at all. It is just that society has ingrained in us one thing and much of the deeper level teachings do not gel with that. So the student must come to the deeper understanding when they have absorbed the earlier material; when they have begun to seriously question what the world at large teaches. This does happen overnight in most cases.

Should I aim at the masses or should I share what I have found without watering it down? The answer to that is that I have to be true to myself. If what I have to say alienates some and drives them away then that is a risk I must take. I cannot be anything other than true to myself. It may be the case that I am mistaken in what I have found, but as long as I offer what I believe and have found to hold true in my life then my conscience is clear. I will certainly never stop learning and so if I find anything to be contrary to the things I have shared then I will openly and honestly declare that to be the case.

In fairness, I have found that what actually happens is not that the greater understanding proves that which came before to be false. The greater understanding merely deepens the knowledge and there is an unfolding of the subject thereof. It is like a child in school. Initially it will learn one thing but that will be a watered down and simplified version of the whole truth. As the child progresses, more and more shall be revealed, but this does not contradict the initial fact, it expounds upon it. The level of teaching is geared, in an ideal world, to the level of comprehension, or just slightly above to stretch the child.

I am extremely aware that much of what I say may come across as though I am blowing my own trumpet, as the saying goes. This is not my intention, and it is well to point out that in many, many respects I am, at least by the standards of this world, not currently a successful man. My income is very low at this time. True enough, in the past this was not the case. When my worldly aspirations held a different sway than they do presently, I was considered among the top of my field as a salesman, and had an income to match.

Yet that is not where I feel compelled to be now. The inner yearnings, that I have interpreted as God directing me from within, have lead me to this place and I am happy to a large extent. That does not mean that I have no worldly concerns, for I have not yet progressed to that level. It simply means that there are greater ones right now and it is these I must follow. These writings are examples of this.

I think that what I am saying, in the end, is that I must stay with just the one blog and trust that God will direct my posts.

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