Monday, 24 December 2007

Karma: The Spiritual Path

It has been rightly said that the spiritual path is not a way for the faint hearted. It can appear, on the surface of it, that it is all about getting in touch with one’s inner self, meditating in peaceful surrounds and ‘blissing out’ without regard to the physical world around us. This, in fact, is far from the case. The spiritual path is a returning to God. That means we must undergo the process of clearing our energy field of negative vibrations. You may have heard of this concept; it is commonly known as karma...

Christians preach that Jesus atoned for all our sins. This is only part of the story. While it is true, it does not mean that we are exempt from the influences of current life, or indeed, past life karma. It means, and I do not profess total understanding here, that the sins of man as a whole have been atoned for. It does not nullify the need for personal work, nor does it give us carte blanche to do whatever we want, then simply say a few “Hail Mary’s” and hey presto we are forgiven. This is one of the Churches most hideous lies.

Karma is a real phenomenon. It comes with a price too, although, it is the price, so that is neither here nor there! Karma cannot be simply brushed away. Each act we perform must be paid for in full. What this means is that all sorts of painful circumstances will befall us. This is even more so when we are on a spiritual path, for what has happened, when we commit to the path, is that we have, metaphorically speaking, placed our hand in the air and declared “I am ready to do the work”. The result of this is that we take on a larger amount of karma than most in order that we may work through it and learn the lessons that will take us home. Events from the past must be dealt with, and not just from this life either.

The thing with karma is that it is not a conscious process. What this means is that most people will have no idea where the things that happen to them come from. Illness, for example, is just one of the ways in which negative karma can manifest itself in our lives. A cold may be the spiritual clearing of an argument that took place at some point in the past. It is not without good reason that we have been unable to find a cure for the common cold. When we medicate that cold, we are simply numbing ourselves out to the healing effect of our spiritual energy field.

It is possible, indeed, if one is sufficiently attuned, to know when an illness is coming and to deal with it’s affects in the spirit body as opposed to having to deal with it in the physical. This is not something that can be attained straight away. A person must sufficiently raise their vibrational rate to the level at which they can perform such things.

If you have seen the excellent TV show, “My Name is Earl”, you will be familiar with karma. It is a universal phenomenon and it continues to operate whether we want it to or not. Theories abound as to the extent of karmic retribution. Some say that whatever one sows comes back tenfold. Others say threefold. Clearly we do not know, however, the general consensus is that whatever negative karma we incur is magnification of the original transgression. On this basis, it becomes evidently vital that we make all effort to ensure that we do not continue to create negative karma for ourselves, our planet or for other people.

How does one do this, then? To begin with it is quite simple. We merely follow a moral code such as the Ten Commandments, or the teachings of Jesus, or we may simply follow the old adage of ‘do unto others as you would have them do to you’. In the end, it is entirely up to the individual what moral code they choose to live by.

What is essential though, is that we must be aware of the concept of personal responsibility. This is really what karma is all about. If we hurt or cheat or steal or lie or whatever, then we must be prepared to face the consequences of this. In fact, whether we are prepared or not, the consequences will come, if not in this life, at least in the next. It is as simple as that; only it must be continually remembered that we cannot hide any of our actions from the spirit. We may well be able to get away with things in the material world, and it may be that our fellow man does not realise our actions, but this is not the case in with realm of spirit. All our actions, both good and bad, are recorded and must be accounted for.

When one starts on a spiritual path, these concepts will be incurred very early on. The reason for this is that, when begins to look at life in this way, it becomes easier and easier to understand how we create negative or positive karma. By this knowledge, we are able to start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions. I have dealt briefly with the ways to begin to raise ones level of vibration in other articles, but this is one of the ways in which we can become more aware of ourselves. The key to releasing karma, until one is more advanced along the spiritual path, is knowledge.

When one comes to the point in life where spiritual concerns begin to be important, it is very good to read as much as possible. In this way one may come to learn for oneself what holds good and what does not. Do not take as truth any one writer’s words. Even the Holy Scriptures can not to be taken as on face value. This is because of the fact that they are spiritual books and therefore can only be understood by the spirit. Many of the atrocities of this world have been caused by the interpretation, on a physical level, of spiritual words.

Therefore, test everything and keep that which holds true and dispense with the rest. Likewise with these words. It is all very well me offering these teachings, but how do you know who I am and what manner of man I am? It would be seriously remiss of me to pretend to have the answers you seek. To do so would incur a huge level of karmic debt on my part, and I am aware, at least enough to know not to travel down that road. I offer only that which I have found along the path I have travelled. It is often said that each must take his own road and that the traveller must beware not to mistake the map for the territory. I have found this to hold true.

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